Octoprint on Linux
I recently burned one of my RaspberryPis, while trying to charge a LiPo battery using its GPIO pins. Classic. It’s been dead for a while, I tried to resurrect it, but since the 3V3 pin is kaputt, there isn’t much I can do.
All I want is to have a visual of my heatbed level through Octoprint, I don’t care for timelapses, USB prints and such stuff, right now. So, I thought why not install Octoprint on my laptop?
My distro hopping has recently landed on Ubuntu 20.04, so here are a few simple steps anyone can follow (and I too, in the future).
Create a new directory
mkdir -p ~/Programs/Octoprint && cd ~/Programs/Octoprint
Create a new python3 virtual environment
python3 -m venv octovenv
Use the virtual environment
source octovenv/bin/activate
Install Octoprint
pip3 install octoprint
Add user to required groups
sudo usermod -aG tty `whoami`
sudo usermod -aG dialout `whoami`
Start Octoprint
~/Programs/Octoprint/octovenv/bin/octoprint serve
Done! Octoprint is running on localhost:5000
(Remember to set RPi Port to Off in MK3S settings)
Now, time to get some M3 nuts and do the Nylock mod :)